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At Papillion La Vista South High School, we strive to inspire our students to believe that they can be difference makers in their school, their community, and the world they live in. With the funds raised through Titan Brew, our students proudly support.


Rueben and Stefan Rice True Titan Endowment Fund- Papillion La Vista Schools Foundation- this scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who shows True Titan Character, Integrity, and Values. In honor of two amazing young men who lived their lives to the fullest. "Live Your Dash!"

To make a Donation please visit:

Unified Sports and Participating in Special Olympics Nebraska- Unified Sports plays a large part of our inclusive culture at PLSHS. Unified Activities include: Bowling, Basketball, Tailgates, Soccer Camps, and Track.

Free Wheelchair Mission- Free Wheelchair Mission is a humanitarian, faith-based, nonprofit organization that provides wheelchairs at no cost to people with disabilities living in developing nations.  Our Goal at Titan Brew is to raise enough money this school year to give 5 people all over the world the gift of mobility.

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